„Schwimmen“ ist mein erstes Found Footage Videoprojekt.
Das Video zeigt die Lust am Schwimmen. Anregung war mir die Initiative „Freischwimmer e. V.“ in Krefeld, die sich für den Erhalt und die Wiederverwendung des alten Schwimmbads auf der Neusser Straße im Zentrum der Stadt einsetzt.
Es ist eines der schönsten Jugendstilbäder in Deutschland – doch leider wurde es aufgrund von Geldmangel im öffentlichen Haushalt der Stadt jahrelang dem Verfall überlassen.
„Schwimmen“ is my first found footage project. The video shows the pleasure of swimming. I was inspired by the initiative „Freischwimmer e. V.“ in Krefeld, which is committed to the preservation and reuse of the old swimming pool on Neusser Straße in the center of the city.
It is one of the most beautiful Art Nouveau swimming pools in Germany – but unfortunately it was left to decay for years due to a lack of money in the city’s public budget.
References in order of appearance
- Water in the pool: Vados Loginov
- How to dive into a swimming pool: SIKANA
- Young woman swimming in a lake: cottonbro
- Timelapse of the blue sky moving clouds: Storyblocks
- Young girl jumping in sea water: stockbusters
- Seaside: Наталия Куликова
- Little girl playing with waves at the beach: Vadim_Key
- Little boy swimming on inflatable circle at sea: stockbusters
- Little boy swimming and playing at sea with rubber ring: Sergey Gribanov
- Happy boy in goggles swimming in the sea and having fun with ball: Grey Coast Media
- Girl in diving mask swimming underwater in sea: stockbusters
- Two young girls swimming and playing in sea with inflatables: stockbusters
- Close-up – the sportsman swimming butterfly in the blue water: Oles Ishchuk
- 2 swimmers with bathing cap: Pexels – Kampus Production
- Underwater woman swimming with arms outstretched: DanielDash
- Woman and Baby swimming under water: The Passionate Eye – The Secret Life of Babies (orcad007)
- Nature Life: Roberto Diana
- Smile: Michael Vignola
- Reflections on the Water: Lance Conrad